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mercredi, février 21 2018

Surface Coatings-2 free ebook

Alan D. Wilson: Surface Coatings-2

Surface Coatings-2

Author: Alan D. Wilson
Number of Pages: 230 pages
Published Date: 26 Sep 2011
Publisher: Springer
Publication Country: Dordrecht, Netherlands
Language: English
ISBN: 9789401071017
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Srdja Popovic,Matthew Miller: Blueprint for Revolution: how to use rice pudding, Lego men, and other non-violent techniques to galvanise communities, overthrow dictators, or simply change the world

Blueprint for Revolution: how to use rice pudding, Lego men, and other non-violent techniques to galvanise communities, overthrow dictators, or simply change the world

Author: Srdja Popovic,Matthew Miller
Number of Pages: 304 pages
Published Date: 12 Mar 2015
Publisher: Scribe Publications
Publication Country: Carlton North, Australia
Language: English
ISBN: 9781922247872
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Douglas Bond: Fathers and Sons, Volume 2: Hold Fast in a Broken World

Fathers and Sons, Volume 2: Hold Fast in a Broken World

Author: Douglas Bond
Number of Pages: 285 pages
Published Date: 08 Oct 2008
Publisher: P & R Publishing
Publication Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9781596380776
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Ignacio Luengo: Recent Trends in Cryptography

Recent Trends in Cryptography

Author: Ignacio Luengo
Number of Pages: 141 pages
Published Date: 15 Feb 2009
Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Publication Country: Providence, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9780821839843
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Jan Black,Greg Enns: Better Boundaries: Owning and Treasuring Your Life

Better Boundaries: Owning and Treasuring Your Life

Author: Jan Black,Greg Enns
Number of Pages: 256 pages
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Heather Lewis,Warren Simmons: New York City Public Schools from Brownsville to Bloomberg: Community Control and Its Legacy

New York City Public Schools from Brownsville to Bloomberg: Community Control and Its Legacy

Author: Heather Lewis,Warren Simmons
Number of Pages: 199 pages
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Publisher: Teachers' College Press
Publication Country: New York, United States
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mardi, février 20 2018

Water Supply Network District Metering: Theory and Case Study pdf

Armando Di Nardo,Michele Di Natale,Anna Di Mauro: Water Supply Network District Metering: Theory and Case Study

Water Supply Network District Metering: Theory and Case Study

Author: Armando Di Nardo,Michele Di Natale,Anna Di Mauro
Number of Pages: 94 pages
Published Date: 14 Dec 2014
Publication Country: Vienna, Austria
Language: English
ISBN: 9783709117545
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National Research Council,Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences,Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems,Committee on In Situ Bioremediation: In Situ Bioremediation: When Does it Work?

In Situ Bioremediation: When Does it Work?

Author: National Research Council,Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences,Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems,Committee on In Situ Bioremediation
Number of Pages: 224 pages
Published Date: 01 Nov 1993
Publisher: National Academies Press
Publication Country: Washington, United States
Language: English
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Philip Robinson: Education and Poverty

Education and Poverty

Author: Philip Robinson
Number of Pages: 4 pages
Published Date: 10 Apr 2014
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Language: English
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Debra Hart May: Proofreading Plain and Simple

Proofreading Plain and Simple

Author: Debra Hart May
Number of Pages: 191 pages
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